Going Further in Apple Motion 5
Taking Your Apple Motion 5 skills to the NEXT level, continue your training here - Pro Certified Trainer
Motion 5
I have been training Apple customers Motion 5 for over 10 years at Apple stores in the UK and around the world.
Now it's your chance to join me in learning "Going further in Apple Motion 5'
So here it is!
This course includes lots of great examples of motion graphics 2D & 3D used in real world scenarios.
** 3hours of content
1) Audio Behaviours
2) Green Screen
3) Jim Boot animation with 2D layers
4) Drop zones & Replicators
5) Art gallery from 2D to 3D
6) Make an interactive 2d map 3D charting a journey
Ideally you will have already watched my previous course in 'Getting Started in Motion 5'
Lets Get started
James Rickards - Apple Pro Certified in Motion 5 and Final Cut X